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Back to School…Are You Ready?

Summer is coming to an end as a new school year is fast approaching! With the start of school, most families face new organization challenges after a more relaxed Summer schedule. School bells ring and so do early-morning alarm clocks. Paper piles swell as hand-outs and homework stream into the house. Shorter autumn days bring a hectic round of sports, activities and events, as calendars fill with cryptic notes. Oh yeah, and the holidays not far behind.

Get organized now for the best school year ever! Here are some ideas to help you get back into a routine to help you prepare your home and family for the busy days ahead.

Ease into that school year schedule!

The first day of school is no time for a drastic adjustment of household sleep schedules. Maybe ease everyone back into a school year routine gradually. During the last two weeks of summer, re-introduce a school year bedtime. Begin waking late sleepers earlier and earlier, closer to the hour they’ll need to rise when school begins.

Don’t neglect mealtimes! Plan meals and snacks to accustom little ones to rituals of the school day before the school year begins, especially if you know in advance that their lunch time is earlier or later than what you have been doing. Set yourself up for success by scheduling plenty of time in the mornings for the most important meal of the day — breakfast! Make it fun with after school snacks that your kiddos will look forward to coming home to.  Meal plan those dinners in advance as it might also be a schedule change for you when it comes to dinner time. Crockpot recipes are easy to prep and plan.

Some find it helpful to even print off the school lunch menu to put on the fridge as kids prepare to either purchase their lunch or fill their lunch box for each day. Having a plan for each day will help you ease back into the routine.

Calendar, calendar, calender!

Each school year floats on a sea of schedules. School functions, sports practices/games, scout meetings and music lessons…..what do you do when you’re drowning in paper? Put it all together on one calendar! Whether you use a desk calendar, paper calendar, phone calendar, or one that is on the fridge for all to see…now is a time to get yourself calendar ready.

Nothing calms school year chaos like a calendar can: a centralized site for all family calendars and schedules. Keeping you organized and forgetting as less as possible when it comes to even the simple activities like dress up school days. Involve the older children by having them review or add to the calendar as they have things come up. Communication is key for a successful school year!

Time to shop!

While working on getting back into a schedule and getting everything organized, now is also a great time to shop as you prep for back-to-school. Shop for those school supplies and school clothes now, to stay ahead and ready.

An informed shopper is a savvy shopper, so prepare before you shop. Before shopping for school clothes, take an afternoon and assess each child’s clothing needs. Empty drawers and closets of outgrown or worn-out clothing, and either store or donate the discards. Working with your child, clean and organize clothing storage before new garments are added and this will help cut down on school morning calls for help from your child looking for a certain pair of socks. We have all been there! An outfit sorter hanging in the closet may come in handy if your child is able to pick out a weeks worth of outfits in advance.

Similarly, ask the school for classroom supply lists before shopping for school supplies. Some schools even offer a school supply pack that you can purchase at the school that covers all supplies….talk about an easy button! If you enjoy looking for those supplies, get your list ready and enjoy shopping!

These are just a few tips as you get ready for the new school year ahead. Anything you do now to stay ahead, will only help you in the future. Sign up for the PTO(A) at your local school, sign up to volunteer, and get ready to meet those teachers! Don’t let the hustle and bustle of the new school year overwhelm you, embrace the new season ahead. If part of that season includes looking for a new home, give us a call!

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