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How to Maintain Yard of the Month Status in the Winter

Do you want to continue to have a vibrant yard during the colder months? Don’t worry there is a way to maintain that “Yard of the Month” status.  There’s no reason fall or winter weather should send your green thumb into hibernation especially when you don’t want to bring your planting and gardening season to an end. There is still plenty you can do to keep color in your yard, or even maintain a tasty vegetable garden even during the coldest months of the year.  Here are a few tips to help keep your beautiful yard going until spring and summer return.

Know Your Plants!

You should always be mindful about what types of shrubs, trees, flowers and garden vegetables you plant based on the climate in which you live. Knowing this info will help you identify plants that will survive – and thrive – where you live year round. If ever unsure, ask the experts at your local Calloway’s or plant nursery for help. Mnany times time, doing the research from the start will help set you up for success when knowing what to plant.

Continue with Colors!

Sometimes in North Texas we can get below freezing temps, when the sun doesn’t shine as long or as often, and the clouds hang around longer…but don’t worry- that doesn’t mean you can’t have a beautiful, colorful yard. Again, just look for plant varieties suited to your area and colder temperatures. Find plants that can add color and even flowers to your yard as many of them don’t even require a lot of maintenance.  Check with local North Texas experts like Neil Sperry – here’s his Best of Fall Color Options.

Continuing on through the fall and winter is also true with your garden….you don’t have to shut down your vegetable garden as the colder months close in and the temperatures drop. Some of the most popular – and tastiest – vegetable varieties will do just fine in the colder weather, too. Some you can plant for harvesting in the late spring and summer. Others you’ll be able enjoy throughout fall and winter. Here are the Top 5 Vegetables to Grow Over Winter as recommended by local garden experts:

  • Onions and Shallots
  • Garlic
  • Asparagus
  • Perpetual Spinach
  • Peas

Rake the Leaves!

If you have bigger trees in your yard, it might seem like the leaves on the ground are never ending. Make it a point to rake the leaves weekly to keep up with them as they fall to the ground. Clearing your grass of the leaves can help maintain that green grass look longer but also give your family a nice leave pile for some fall fun!  And if you really want green grass all year long consider overseeding perennial ryegrass.

Mulch can Help!

Mulch can serve a valuable role in your garden and landscaping throughout the year, both in warmer and colder months. In the winter, mulching helps prevent the soil from drying out as fall and winter months can be especially dry causing the ground to lose water through evaporation. Mulch can also help to prevent frost from damaging roots and bulbs as it provides a protective layer for beneficial bugs and insects living in the soil. Mulch plays a key role in your landscape and garden so pile it on in the fall for the winter.

During a Freeze….Protect Your Plants

A freeze happens when temperatures drop below 32 °F, which can freeze the water inside the plant and destroy the plant. Frost can even happen when the air temperature comes close to freezing, and only the surface temperature of a plant freezes.

To protect your plants during these times, the most important step is to keep a close eye on the weather reports so you’re ready before the temperature drops. Following these rules will help keep those plants alive:

  • Bring your potted plants inside
  • Water plants before it freezes to help keep them from drying out
  • Cover smaller, delicate plants with a bucket or flower pot
  • Cover or wrap large plants like shrubs and trees with fabric like burlap or even old bed sheets
  • Uncover everything in the morning or once the temperatures warm up

With knowing more about plants and how to protect them during the colder months while not being afraid to still add color and enjoy your garden, you are sure to have that winning yard! While maintaining that winning yard, if you are considering selling your home this fall or winter just give The Marr Team a call. We would love to tell you more about how that curb appeal is important, no matter when you want to list your home.



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