With the start of a new year comes those New Year’s Resolutions. Whether you have decided to focus on losing weight, saving money or even traveling more; now is also a good time for some New Year’s Resolutions for your home. Below are some great tips:
Tip # 1: Clear your home of clutter!
Throughout the year, especially towards the end of any year, many of us acquire more stuff than what we started the year off with. If you do not take the time to purge throughout the year, you find it is hard to find the things you use and enjoy the most thus starting the year more cluttered. This year resolve purge periodically; go room by room and clear each room of anything that you don’t use, wear or love. This can easily be something you do on a certain date of each month or even one day every week. You can easily donate any of these items to charity and it helps to give back while de-cluttering. While doing this, it will also help you think twice about what you bring in. A regular purging helps remind you why you bring in all that you do and how much stuff accrues so easily over time. You will find that you will fill your home more with the things that raise your energy level and make you feel good while getting rid of things that drain your energy or are broken.
Tip # 2: Organization!
Another key to less clutter is organization. Stashing useful, but not as pretty to the eye, things like DVDs, remotes, and even shoes in simple woven baskets makes a huge difference. Keeping things together that belong together is also great so that when you are looking for a particular item, you find it easier to locate. Batteries, pens, and even all of those business cards that you save for future just in case! A sleek tray on a coffee table for remotes will give your home a decorative touch while organizing something you use often. Clear your kitchen counter tops of everything you don’t use on a daily basis. The old saying “everything has it’s own place” still rings true this New Year!

Tip # 3: Weekly Cleaning System!
Every year we vow to not let the house go when it comes to cleaning but we all know how busy we get and what is always the first thing to put on the back burner….cleaning the house! A few tips for keeping the mess under control include having a daily cleaning list and a weekly cleaning list. Start the year off right by putting dishes in the dishwasher every night- no excuses! Putting everything back in place, put those dirty clothes in the hamper and hang up those jackets or clean clothes. Leaving the small odds and ends back in the place each night will help you conquer the next day successfully. To help with your weekly cleaning of the entire house, focus on one type of cleaning at a time. It is faster to wipe down cabinets, all cabinets, before you move on to windows, mirrors, and appliances. Streamline those tedious chores and you will find you feel accomplished enough to tackle the next task. Even better, enlist the help of your family. Divide and conquer! Splitting up dusting/vacuuming, bathroom, and kitchen amongst three separate family members can help same time and be an efficient way to get your weekly list done in s timely manner where you won’t feel as bogged down by chores to enjoy more free time!
Tip # 4: Entertainment Ready!
Finally, after de-cluttering, organizing, and cleaning your home through the year, you will find that entertainment comes easier! Each year, many vow to spend more time with family and friends. Look around your home and pinpoint the areas you normally entertain in and see if any updates are needed. Not major updates, but simply adding plants or changing up an accent color can really freshen up any entertaining space and help you keep that resolution of spending more time with friends and family! After all, sticking with all tips above you will find you want to entertain more!
The above tips are great ways to start off a New Year right but can be just the beginning! With every resolution for yourself, vow to make some changes in your home, too. These home improvement resolutions will help make your home a more beautiful, efficient, and clean place in the coming year. These tips also help you breathe a little easier in your own home….Happy New Year!